Mixing MJ With...


Well-Known Member
I have a buddy who takes that type of crap.... Every once in a while If I smoke some good herb with him, he has panic attacks and turns all white and has to lay down.
I used to mix weed, spice and salvia together and smoke it in a bowl every night it got pretty intense but I think the good ol mj helped mellow it out. The salvia wasnt like 10x or 20x or anything it was just pure salvia right off the plant. Only thing was it got pretty expensive so I quit doing that plus I think it made me a bit stupider for a while. Now I only do that once in a long while and mainly stick with good ol weed


Well-Known Member
My friend who took zoloft reported intense brain fog when he smoked bud on it. Additionally if you decide to smoke on that combo, I would take some cholinergics along with it (lecithin, alpha GPC, centrophenoxine etc.) because both doxepin and THC deplete acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is important in memory formation, so excess depletion will lead to a generally poorer memory.