More whites on welfare? Yes. But...


Well-Known Member
I do not like the welfare system at all. Never been on it, and hopefully i keep myself doing well enough to never be on it still.

If your that lazy and or bad off...... That is not any ones fault but your own.

Disability and whatnot is different.. Most those people did not hurt themselves... But it should not be my Tax dollars going to those cripples either..

It should be the last jobs they had when they got hurt i think....

Fix the system and stop making the lazy lazier.


Well-Known Member
I do not like the welfare system at all. Never been on it, and hopefully i keep myself doing well enough to never be on it still.

If your that lazy and or bad off...... That is not any ones fault but your own.

Disability and whatnot is different.. Most those people did not hurt themselves... But it should not be my Tax dollars going to those cripples either..

It should be the last jobs they had when they got hurt i think....

Fix the system and stop making the lazy lazier.
Jaysus, "everyone is lazy but me", "everything that happens to you is your own fault", "I don't want to pay for anyone anywhere for any reason".

Every system can and will be gamed by someone somewhere, that is the cost of doing business in America, live with it. You are lucky, Next tuesday you could be hit with any number of dreadful aflictions through no fault of your own, or your brother or uncle or daughter. There are other causes of catastrophy than being at work.


Well-Known Member
isn't there an old saying like "every one is a few bad decisions away from being homeless?"

bad things beyond your control can also affect your circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States."