Morning Glory Seeds


For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of experiencing it yet... Morning Glory Seeds contain LSA (Lysergic Acid Amide). Some people think it's a precursor to LSD (Lysergic Acid DIETHYLAmide).. But it's not. However, the effects are very profound if you take enough. They are a LOT like doing Acid, but more of a body buzz going on.

One seed is often equivalent to 1ug of Acid. (1 Microgram). Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds contain a lot more than Morning Glory seeds, and do the same thing with a lot less required, though cost and ability to get them from anywhere is a little annoying..

I've personally done Morning Glory seeds several times, and I was tripping HUGE balls. I loved giving myself lightshows and lost myself in it several times. It's like going on a fantastic acid-trip without the mega intensity and occasional bad thoughts. (For me).

Erowid has a section all about them, which is how I learned about them originally before deciding to try them. For people who are having a really hard time finding LSD, try out Morning Glory seeds. It's not as strong, but if you eat up to 1,000, you'll be pretty happy with the results :) I can get 1,000 easily from Home Depot for less than $5. So, it's both cost-effective, and provides fun times...

However, I do have a warning... Those people that like to take Acid daily... You really can't do that with these. It -WILL- move from a good ass trip to a total body high that makes you want to go to sleep. Tolerance is a b*tch ;P