Most reliable way to prepare ganja?


Active Member
I made butter once before with an ounce of schwag and it had very little effect, complete waste. I have a half an ounce of very good indica that is very fresh and sticky, making it sorta hard to smoke. I know that most concoctions require a good amount of bud, so I would like to be sure that I don't end up wasting all of this again.

What do you think is the most reliable/safe way to convert ganja into food?


Well-Known Member
first and foremost, let the bud dry extra crispy before you cook with it. It ensures the highest content of psychoactive material. Use a double boiler to heat some type of cooking oil. I like peanut oil. The double boiler gets the oil hot enuff to release the thc, but not hot enuff to burn it away. Add you cannabis to the oil and let the mix cook for about 1.5-2 hours. The mixture should turn greenish brown if the extraction is working. Strain it well and use for your recipes.