My first indoor grow journel

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New Member
Time: 10 days.

Strain: Unknown at the moment.

Lights: 3 150W, 2600 lumens flourscents. 12/12

Water: Deerpark, Aquafina, 150 ML once every week.

What I'm doing next: Moving lights closer, and changing lights to 18/6. Also probably adding 3 more seeds.



Well-Known Member
Those stems look really really long, try and move the light a little bit closer with out burning the plants!! Other than that looks good, I like how you started out in big pots so you don't have to bother on trans planting, Another thing I would do is add soil to the top and just the leafs part out. Doing this the stem will grow roots and it wont be lengthy,Also I would have 18/6 on them because you just have florescent . IF not just keep doing what your doing.Good job man !! +rep for starting the grow


New Member
Ouch, I guess I'll move the light closer.
Okay, I'll change the lighting but doesn't that mess them up if you just change it?

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Just keep it away from yer plants!!! Dont let it overfill into them. BTW, it isnt going to help. The amount of Baking soda & Vinegar needed fer the saturation levels we desire is more expensive than a regulator, timer and tank!
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