My first LST....Roayl Haze, 150W HPS


Active Member
Here are some pics of my 60 day old Royal Haze. I am attempting LST on her for my first time and I think I have done everything right. I induced flowering 11 days ago and pistils are visible in most locations. Says 65-75 days for flowering on this strain. Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil, Fox Farms Big Bloom just started on first day of inducing, and blackstrap molasses. She has been through some rough times, I am amazed she has made it. So obviously, she is meaning to bless me with love and happiness. Let me know what you think. Thanks alot.

P.S.- Pardon my pals, they're just out and about picking up groceries tehehe.



Active Member
I'm a little over a week in to flowering and have been lucky enough to be bug free. Although I was almost secretly hoping to have a reason to get them lol.