(my rant)The Man tells me.....


Well-Known Member
the city cops won't fuck with me

the sheriff won't fuck with me

the state police won't fuck with me

the highway patrol won't fuck with me

because I VOTED.

all we have left is the feds. i'd say it's been worth it so far.

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
I am definetly not saying don't vote - of course I will vote on every election I can - I am just saying it seems futile sometimes.

In Oregon here we are soon to be voting on legalizing MJ for more than just medical use... I am almost certain that if it passes even if by a landslide - they won't let it happen, and that seems like a pointless vote to me but I will still go vote, there is always hope....



Well-Known Member
I am definetly not saying don't vote - of course I will vote on every election I can - I am just saying it seems futile sometimes.

In Oregon here we are soon to be voting on legalizing marijuana for more than just medical use... I am almost certain that if it passes even if by a landslide - they won't let it happen, and that seems like a pointless vote to me but I will still go vote, there is always hope....

Then you know who ex senator Floyed prozanski is?
..i.e. joepro, might have been famliy to the late senator.
Who might I add, really realy tried while on the legislative committee.
Other senators only laughed at a thought of a cannabis reform bill back in the day.Glad to hear the Oregon is keepin hope alive,I havet been since I was a kid..


New Member
i think i voted yes on prop 215. we won. i had a very nice garden in my open backyard this year. it's not that bad of a place to live.
I still would not be able to grow in my yard because these thiefing bastards where I live would steal it...:blsmoke:


New Member
Sorry my friend, but you must have been asleep for some time now.
Things have changed,ur personal vote is gone.
We have an electoral vote system.
Its a fan friendly way of saying ur vote dont count.
Vote on state laws is another story, or is it?

We need "the common man" no more rich lawers or puppets,
but the way the system is set up, the common man has no chance.

You/me/we have been mind-fucked,hood-winked,over taxed,lied too with no end in sight by left and right wingers since FDR.

FDD, there is nothing stoping the ATF from knocking on ur door either,ur state laws dont mean anything to the feds, you have been once again hood-winked if you believe otherwise,but I hear good things about the federal penn,not to much rape :P
once you get past the tossed salad you have it made...:blsmoke: