Nature Unaided Fails?

Some of you may be aware that the pineal gland possesses endogenous hallucinogens which are similar in nature to Serotonin. A unique biochemical mechanism exists within the human pineal gland. A pair of naturally occuring pineal enzymes, hydroxy-indole-O-methyl transferase (HIOMT) and indole-N-methyl transferase (INMT), are capable of converting serotonin into a number of potent hallucinogens. Regulated by a variety of neuroendocrine mechanisms, these enzymes normally act on specific substrates and function as catalysts in the formation of biogenic amines. However, if they get out of phase with their normal substrates and act on pineal serotonin, they form potent psychoactive compounds within the human brain.

Interestingly enough, pineal catabolism can be intentionally shifted toward the production of these endogenous hallucinogens by a simple manipulation of amine metabolism. If you increase the concentration of pineal serotonin and block its normal enzymatic inactivation, it becomes a substrate for other pineal enzymes, like HIOMT and INMT. As their names imply, HIOMT and INMT are methyl transferase enzymes. They catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from one compound to another. As these enzymes add methyl groups to the indole-oxygen and amino-nitrogen positions, serotonin is converted into 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, a relatively unknown but extremely potent hallucinogen.

DMT is known for its "Flash" of bright blinding light, inducement of egolessness, radical perspective shifting, profound life-changing spiritual experiences and short duration (approx 5 minutes to comedown). Now, I read a book by Dr. Rick Strassman who conducted recent DEA approved study with DMT being injected into patients. He goes on to describe the manufacture of DMT and how there is a biological resistance to its production during waking hours. He details though that extreme emotions may act as emotional pressures which trigger its release into the cerebrospinal fluid, causing INSTANT activation.
Perhaps this is already common knowledge but I thought it was worth sharing. When I see the tearing eye of the Wedjat, it reminds me of a tearing pineal. Thoughts?

Does Nature unaided fail?


Well-Known Member
you said it your self
"A pair of naturally occuring pineal enzymes, hydroxy-indole-O-methyl transferase (HIOMT) and indole-N-methyl transferase (INMT), are capable of converting serotonin into a number of potent hallucinogens"

nature is random and on a straight "time" line that can shift at any second from random mutations.