need some help

so i have a mate whos croppped out last week. hes got 1 kg (+- 35oz) my question is , how long do we have to move this product before it starts spoiling and losing potency? does the dryness affect potency?
how long would said crop last before it becomes not worth smoking/using/selling?
how long can weed be stored?
this is our first grow so we're not too sure help would be greatly appreciated.

trichlone fiend

New Member long as it's dry before you start your cure, you should only have to burp them daily to prevent mold. You could put your crop in the freezer if your really worried about it.


Active Member
sorry to say m8 that 1kg will be about 8 oz dry if ur lucky leave it hangin for 4 days then bag it for 24 hour then take out of bag for another 24 hours then it should be dry if u keep it in sealy bags or vacuum seal it it will last for months get better infact the longer its cured!!
thanks guys. seems we will dry and vacuum pack/freeze what we dont use and thaw it out and re-dry when it is needed. it is 35 oz dry :) loving this forumn it is slowly becoming my new home. will hopefully be getting our second crop out soon. end of september is start of summer. we have 5 white widow and 5 thai tanic plants just waiting to meet some lovely sun. once that starts going will start a journal where hopefully i can update people on how awesome my babies are doing but till then i thank you for your imput :)
it was just a bag of mixed seeds. we took about 40 seeds that we had accumulated over the months. my mate lives on a corn farm (mielies) so we figured he had the equipment and space to do it, we just wanted to get the shit seeds out there so we could see if we could get it right before planting our good seeds. so this product is just low grade skunk. but his outdoor grow works like a charm. will hopefully get photo's up once the seedlings are planted end of september.