Neon orange spots on leaves

24 hours ago i watered with 1 teaspoon tiger bloom and 3. Teaspoon of big one gallon of water,68 degrees,
Ph after adding nutes was a steady 6.3 .
Now i have several places on the leaves that are bright orange. As you can see in the picture attached.can any one help me before i screw this up good. This my first indoor grow.
Before adding tiger bloom all they ever had was fish emulsion, big bloom,and
Kelp. No i ha
ve these spots did tiger bloom do this.


Well-Known Member
Hmm i would stop using those nuits and see if she gets better for right now and the only deficiency i could see it being if soo would be most likly phosphorus wich makes your plant growth really slow and dark green in color and youll get little orange spots on leaves that look like rust. Givin the time frame it could just be the nuits your using some strains are picky with nuits.