New to growing HELP


Active Member
Well I just decided to start growing my own plants. So I built a Box to keep them in and started out using degratebale seed starter cubes along with the little pots. I get a filling that they are growing a little to tall. I water them every day and I occasionally spray them with maricale grow. Can anybody help me out with telling me what I need and what I should be doing that would properly help my plants grow with the system I am using?

Here are some pictures of what I have so far.



Active Member
Hey, I'm a newbie...but my plants stopped growing too tall when I moved the light far away is your light?


Active Member
The two methods I read a fair bit about how to tell when it needs watering are either: pick up the container when it has just been watered and see how heavy it is. If you pick it up later and it feels much lighter than than then it needs watering...or stick your finger 2-3 inches down and if it's dry it needs watering...use a spray bottle to mist in between.

The lights look like fluros? 2 feet sounds like a fair distance...method for telling how close lights can be I've read is: get them as close as possible with out burning the plants - stick you hand at the top of the plant - if it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for your plant. My lights are a few inches away.

But hopefully someone who's been growing for a while might have more suggestions.