Newb needs help...vitamins?


Active Member
Is it possible to use human vitamins for fertilizer? N, P, K, and Calcium? Just crush the pill and disolve in water.... curious how to make my own fertilizer.
Also, other than a carbon filter, what else can mask the smell? Wife no like, lol.


Well-Known Member
there something you can search for (don't have link handy) that "videoman" posted... It involves a 5-gal bucket, a small fan, odor neutrolizer, and some absorbant gel. The fan blows the mixture ip out of the bucket into the air.

I haven't made on yet, just started first grow, plan to though... Know of people that swear by it.


Well-Known Member
no no, people vitamins are for people. They dont contain Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Calcium maybe, but thats about it. Yeah man just compost if ya can. Just don't throw it in your hydro tank :)