Nexiusus's Outdoor Bagseed Grow 2009


Outdoor Grow Log
An outdoor grow was started on 5/10/09. This grow consists of 4 seeds, 3 of which were germinated at a later date and one which sprouted on this date named Maria. These plants will be grown 100% organically without the use of neutrients. They will be given nothing but sunlight and water.

5/17/09 - Day 8
Maria was injured during watering today. She fell over and had to be replanted. I suspect this has caused root damage.

5/19/09 - Day 10
Maria has been growing extremely slowly. I can almost gaurantee this is due to possible root damage that occured on the 17th when replanting. I germinated and planted 3 more seeds today and placed them outdoors as well. All plants now have coffee grounds in their soil as a slow releasing source of nitrogen. This will hopefully help the growth of Maria. She just showed her second set of leaves today.

5/22/09 - Day 13
Maria has still been aging slowly. I think maybe the coffee grounds has made the soil a little too acidic and this may be hindering Maria's growth further. I'm going to flush the plant for the next few days in hope that this will remove any traces of coffee grounds.

Maria at day 13

5/23/09 - Day 14
Maria has finally grown her third set of leaves. Thank god.

5/24/09 - Day 15
Maria is approximately 4 1/2 inches tall. She has grown 3 sets of leaves and today has shown microscopic growth of the 4th set of leaves. A new plant sprouted today. I've named it Pixie and hope it will grow faster than Maria has.

5/25/09 - Day 16
Maria's 2nd and third set of leaves are drooping down at an angle. I have a feeling she may have gotten too much water or be a little stressed due to having 3 sets of night last night (I closed the pool house 3 times due to excessive rain hoping to keep the Maria and Pixie from getting too wet. Pixie has spread her leaves today and looks wonderful I must say. She's doubled in height as well.

Maria at day 16:

Pixie at day 2:

-Update: Once Maria got a little sun she perked right up and her leaves turned up towards the sun.

5/26/09 - Day 17
Maria has one or two microscopic white spots on her bottom set of leaves. Her new set of leaves are fully formed and spreading today. She also has a strange fold on her other bottom leaf. It has something that looks like snail slobber on it so I wiped it off with water. Pixie has much bigger leaves today and is taller as well. She is looking just terrific. A new lady has joined the cast today buy the name of Jamilla. She just cracked the soil and her leaves are not yet spread and are not yet pointing upward. I hope that the spots on Maria and the spit looking things on her leaves are not due to bugs but it sure seems like it is.

-Update: Maria has a small hole on her bottom leaf that had a piece of wood stuck in it. I'm really not sure how the hell it could've got there. I noticed a little bit of chewing on the same leaf and sprayed it with a tabasco sauce/water mix. Hopefully this will keep the bugs and animals at bay.

5/27/09 - Day 18
No new growth on any of the plants today. Rained all day yesterday and was dark outside, so I'd guess they've been set back a day on account of darkness.

Pixie Day 4:

Maria Day 18:

Jamilla Day 2:

-Update: Maria has a small tear in her bottom leaf from the rain. I also found a spidermite destroyer walking around near my plants so I now know for sure that there are mites infesting my plants. I may need to purchase a commercial insecticide.

5/28/09 - Day 19
Maria has shown slight growth on her leaves today, but has not grown significantly for several days due to the rainy weather. Pixie on the other hand has just shown off her second set of leaves at only day 5. Jamilla has not done much on account of the rain as well. She is standing straight up and her leaves are open but that's about the gist of it.

5/29/09 - Day 20
None of my plants have done jack shit growing for several days now because of the shit weather. Maria's 3rd set of leaves is slightly bigger and much more open, as well as her 4th set are a little further out of the stalk. Pixie's 2nd set of leaves have grown and you can now see all 3 leaves on them. Jamilla has been stuck in the same position for 2 days. Hopefully the sun gets going today and I see some growth sprurts tomorrow.

5/30/09 - Day 21
Maria's leaves are spreading out wonderfully yet slow. Her fourth set should spread out anyday now. Pixie is looking wonderful despite her not getting any light the past few days. Jamilla is just stuck at 2 days old. I'm a little worried for her because she has done no growing at all since she sprouted.

Maria Day 21:

Pixie Day 7:

Jamilla Day 5:

5/31/09 - Day 22
The weather down here is terrible it has been a week straight of rain and clouds. I fear my littlest one Jamilla is going to die anyday now. She hasn't grown since sprouting and has several brown curls on her little leaves. She may pull through but I doubt it. So far everyone has responded we'll to the replanting. I've been regularly spraying the plants with tabasco and this has kept the bugs from eating them altogether. I'm super pleased with that much. Maria is just looking so marvelous despite the circumstances. Pixie has done real well through the weather as well and is definitely showing great growth. I don't want to jinx it but from my experience and the speed of Pixie's growth I would almost gaurantee it's a male. Maria on the other hand seems to be growing more like a female generally would and hopefully will be showing her pistils in a few weeks. Poor Jamilla definitely seems like she will not pull through though. She had to be replanted due to stagnant water in her other temporary pot. This may be just what she needs to pull through. Hopefully with the rain going away this tuesday she will get exactly what's needed to make it through her tough time.

-Update: Jamilla has not responded well to being replanted. She will surely be dead by tomorrow.

6/1/09 - Day 23
Maria and Pixie haven't done any hardcore growing since being replanted. Jamilla is just night of the living dead. How she's even alive i may not ever know. I moved her out with my tomato plants hopefully she will get a little more sun there. Maria should be fanning out her fourth set a little wider in the next few days hopefully and I can already see the beginnings of the fifth set. Another week and she will definitely be ready for LST. At least Maria and Pixie definitely seem to be in the clear and have made it through transplant with little or no stress to themselves.
-Update: Jamilla kicked the bucket. Pixie's second set of leaves have spread into 3 fingers already. The extra rain has made the plants look a little wilted but the sun just came out and should dry them right up.

-Update: I very softly attempted to start LST on Maria and ended up with more of a pinching/supercropping experiment due to her weak stem. Totally lame. Hopefully this will strengthen my plants weak ass stem because I'm really disappointed in how frail she is.

6/2/09 - Day 24
Well after taking a looksie at my injured little girl this morning I realized everything will be A okay. Just to see how strong it was I removed the little splint for a second and gave the plant a flick. To my amazement it was fine and is definitely on the way to a full recovery. There is a little bit of bruising on the area where it got pinched by the gardening twist ties. Pixie is looking just fine today. Her second set of leaves are getting bigger everyday and she looks marvelous considering she's only been able to get a wee bit of sun everyday.
-Update: After seeing that there really was nothing to worry about I fastened the plant back into LST mode. The part where it got bent is no longer flopping onto the ground so it will definitely be fine as long as I keep it from getting beat up by rain.

-Update: I'm super proud of Maria. After being put in LST she right away turned her leaves upward again towards the sun. I think she will be a great plant for LST.

6/3/2009 - Day 25
Maria has responed real well to LST so far. I hooked her down just under the third node and already she climbed back up and moved the hook to just above the second node. Not sure if I should move the hook or not a little closer to the third node. Her third set of leaves grew in their 4th and 5th fingers and her 5th set of leaves are now 100% there and starting to spread. Pixie is looking great and her third set of leaves should be fully there within the next two days if I had to guess. I'm super proud of my girls. Other good but strange news. Maria, at such a young age, has shown that the growths at her nodes are definitely pistils. They have grown long and stringy looking and as soon as I can use my D300 I will get a closeup so I can get some confirmation. This somewhat worries me because she may try to flower early.

Maria Day 25:


Pixie Day 11:

-Update: Checked Maria with a magnifying glass. She's definitely got pistils.

6/4/09 - Day 26
Due to the extra sunlight on Marias stem she is starting to get some side growth. Right now she has 4 more branches coming out of the second node and 4 more coming out of the third node. Right now they are just small leaves but as they day goes on they will push themselves out further and further. I moved the hook a little closer up to the third node and her top turned back up correctly. I haven't had any more problems with bugs on her and I am super proud of my work so far. Maria is still about 8 days behind schedule growth wise due to the week of no sun basically but for the past 2 days she has gotten sun all day long and she is definitely got something to show for it. Pixie's third set of leaves have all 3 fingers now and they are coming in nicely. I definitely hope she's a girl too because that will make for one hell of a yield considering they are outdoors plants.
I'm totally ecstatic that Maria is a girl and I will definitely try and get some close ups of her girly parts as soon as I can use the D300. Thanks alot to the few have been tuning in. Anyone else who has been watching join in the fun. I can use all the feedback, tips, and constructive criticism possible. I could definitely use some comments on my LST method thus far as this is my first circular LST plant. I also added Maria's second LST today.
Maria Day 26:

Maria Closeup on LST:

Pixie 12 (Sorry about quality I'm still using the ancient camera):


-Update: Noticed several small yellow dots on one of Maria's bottom leaves and a few very very tiny ones on other leaves. If it gets worse I'm going to have to figure out what's causing it and stop it ASAP. I checked the pH of the soil and got a reading of just under 7.0 (light green) using the capsule soil pH test. This leads me to believe that this doesn't seem like a pH problem, which is the usual cause of yellow spots.

Any ideas guys?