No more dollar blunt wraps.


Well-Known Member
Someone will just come up with flavorings that you yourself can add to your smokes to enhance the flavor.

pool dude

Active Member
Once the Gov. has it's finger in your ass the whole hand is soon to follow. I'm glad obummer is a constutional schollar and he wont let big gov. impeed on my life because I'm sopposed to be free.


Well-Known Member
If you think about it, it's in their best interest to have a healthy workforce. The longer you can work, the longer you can pay taxes. Since we are all basically collateral for the government's loans from the FED, the longer we can work the more money the gov't can pay back to the bank. The more money they can pay back, the more money they can borrow to perpetuate the cycle.

Ah, freedom! America NUMBER ONE!