Nutes for seed producing females


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

I have a couple of females that have just seeds and I was wondering if they would need more grow nutes or more bloom nutes. I'm using bio-grow and bio-bloom. I use ot give them 4ml of bloom and 1ml of grow when they were in the flowering period but in the last feeding I change to 4ml of grow and 1ml of bloom because some leaves are starting to turn yellow. How should I continue feeding them ?
I am interested in the answer to this as well. I tried doing some research but couldn't come up with the answer. I just made some seeds last harvest and I fed her straight bloom nutes (19-31-17) I did end up with a good amount of mature seeds, but I would like to know if Veg nuts would serve her better and help her along.


Well-Known Member
IMHO and practice I just keep the plant healthy same as always. I keep my nute schedule open to whatever the plant needs to stay green and happy, as far as the seeds go they will develop just fine will your regular schedule. I reckon basically it comes down to just knowing the strain you are growing and keeping it happy whether producing seeds or good ole sin semilla.
Good Luck.