Nutrients being "locked" out??


Well-Known Member
If I happen to have the problem of nute lockout what is the key to unlocking them. I don't think I have the problem but figure that if I used the solution to the problem anyway that it might make more nutes and such available.

:cry:Simple question but is there a simple answer?:?


Well-Known Member
Nute lockout is really the presence of nutrient salts in amounts too high for diffusion/osmosis to occur. Therefore any solution means dilution which means water flush. If you're an overwaterer (most asking questions tend to be) then you're screwed unless you transplant.

Don't be the idiot that does that. Feed at 1/2 strength beginning and keep it there. Once you get more experience you will read the plants and know if they can use a stronger feeding.

Feed, water, water. Never more feedings for newbies. I use that to this day! You can always give them a little more. They often don't survive when given too much or if it survives it's damaged.