Occupy Wall Street Influence

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I noticed this ad today and was amazed. Why? Because the big banks bowed to Occupy Wall Street pressure. This is proof to those who think the Occupy Wall Street movement is an effort in futility.

No charge debit cards. This has two positive consequences. 1. The big banks folded to public opinion and changed their policy before it was implemented. 2. They had to do massive advertising to reverse the damage done by this monumentally stupid idea. This generates revenue and helps to boost the economy. Thank you big banks.

Our politicians forgot who was in charge. It's time to remind them, folks. If you can't protest out in the streets then get involved. Send emails. Talk to friends, family and neighbors.

Someone came up with the brilliant idea of sending back blank credit card applications to the credit card companies. Do whatever you can do to get involved. No matter how small or silly you think it is. Get involved.

The effects of this protest is finally reaching Congress and the White House. Senator Udall of New Mexico (yay New Mexico) is introducing a proposal that would add language to the Constitution which says, Congress and the states can regulate campaign contributions and expenditures.

Which would, in theory, put a leash on Citizens United. It's a start.