Ok, I got some lights, pics on page, will this work?


Well-Known Member
Im just planning on growing maybe 2-4 nothing much, just to practice with. If you notice the 1st picture, the small long bulb on the left I used last time, with some luck, but I used it too late I think.

The small 50 w bulb, when I plugged it in, it sent off alot of heat and says its good for growth and it seems that way, that other one is the 150 wat, 2700. How should I use them?

Now the other 2 is a grow light system I bought, know nothing about, but it claims it is a grow light, ne info would be great, I just spent like 70 bucks man, I hope there is light at the end of my buddle lol!



Well-Known Member
If that is an incandescant bulb return it. Too much heat and not nearly efficient. The flouro in the second picture is good for clones and seedlings however it must be within 1 or 2 inches from plant. The CFL's do not have good penetration but with enough in the right places will grow decent plants


Well-Known Member
the only light that is bullshit is the GE 50w bulb #1 like die said it looks incandecent and if the main this it gives off is heat.. thats no good.. get 3-4 more of the 42w cfls and that will be enough for two plants to veg off, but i would consider at least 6 of the 42w + those other liter to successfully flower 2 20" plants

SWEEET wolves by the way.

good luck!


Well-Known Member
For 70 bucks you could have got a small T5 set-up. Im getting one that puts out 10,000 lumens. Hopefully i'll save energy to.



Well-Known Member
Question about the 150w cfl u mentioned.... is it 2700k?
yes its 2700 k it was the strongest i could find, and to the other ?'s yes the bulb is indacas. so i will use that for my gheko since it puts off heat.

I have seen alot of folks using the 2700 150 watt one on here with good results, the pic doesnt show it but I got 2 of them. I also plan putting the plants on the southside of a hill we have during the day then using the 2700 ones just for night so they dont freeze outside..

Will this work? My seeds are starting to germinate and will be ready in a day or two so any hardcore detail will be helpful cause Im at the end of my budget.

The soil I have is a mixture of about 25-30% perlite with regular potting soil with some worm castings mixed in from 5 or six boxes of worms i got for fishing. I got a fully ready to go, reflective 5 foot by 6 foot growing area with an exhaust area and a strong fan.

I also got a temperature monitor and some miracle grow, which I do not plan on using til they at least get a strong stem going if I get that far.

Any more suggestions will be awesome, cause like I stated, its almost go time and im getting nervous! :)


Well-Known Member
you would have prolly been better off spending all the money on a 150 watt hps because the lights you have your plants will not be able to get very tall if you have any hope of flowering. and seriously, take a chunk of time and read the growfaq 90% of your questions will be anwsered there GO LUCK! it takes time and work and money, don't get discouraged!