organic insect repellant advice


Well-Known Member
im lookin for some organic tips on keeping away dem bugs
ive used chemicals in the past but im trying to avoid those
the bugs here are pretty ravenous in the past, ive had white flys, worms, and one time i had bees right next to them :wall:

what are some preventative measure i can take, ive already cleaned the area up of brush already, any tips are greatly appreciated kiss-ass


I make a foliar spray consisting of peppermint extract and water in order to get rid of gnats. Try using that for the white flies.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Neem concentrate is an effective organic insecticide/fungicide. I've found it at Lowes hardware before if you're in the states. Mix per instructions and spray down the entire plant, taking care to get beneath the leaves. Make sure you apply in the morning before the sun comes up or in the evening after it goes down. And only apply once weekly...too much can burn it.

You can use it pretty late in flowering, but I wouldn't go much past 5 or 6 weeks with it.

Cleaning up the area around your plants is a good start. You can hang some Hot Shot No Pest Strips around your area as well as a deterrent.


Well-Known Member
Jerry knows of what he speaks. Neem a little goes a long way and it's great for your skin. In India it's used for all that and more.
