organic nutrient package


Well-Known Member
well almost 4 gallons of nutes that would last a few grows id think, looks like a decent deal to me, never heard of the brand but i think organics the way to go

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I got a sales PM about them from agforest. I went to the site, and! Nothing really impressive. There IS an "organic" (OMRI certified??) line, but nowhere does it tell whats in the bottle. Some NPK values are given, a feed schedule, and some other stuff. Not a whole lot of meat and potatoes information on the nute lines. Nothing to peak my interest enough to try it. If it's a new start-up, they may wanna do some "Beta testing" with some of the membership here. I'm sure there are some folks here who would be willing to write a review for some free nutes. Let some run a grow or 2 with the stuff and see the results.