Organic Nutrients


Active Member
Because of my location, I don't have the luxury of going down to my local hydroponics store and choosing from a wide array of organic fertilizers. The only thing I could find in this part of the world was a Japanese brand called Micro-Organisms. They have three formulas as well as a plant activator product. Unfortunately, all of the labels are in Japanese. One formula has an NPK value of 2-2-7, which I'm guessing would be beneficial to root and stem growth? Due to its higher Nitrogen value (6-2-2), I'm assuming the second mixture is used to increase foliage and the third formula (2-7-2) is most likely for flowering. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I guess my real question is, are these NPK values suitable for MJ through its life cycle? Also, is it safe to mix organic formulas together? Taking care not to burn my lovely ladies of course.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Those seem like a good mix which allows customization as well, i might put in the effort to look up the company and find out what exactly their fertilizer is derived from but if thats all you have available by all means get it, plants dont care where they get there npk from as long as they get it. I would mix the first and second bottles for a veg formula and the first and third bottles for bloom. Don't mix the fertilizer concentrates together as that can cause lockout of some elements but instead dissolve one and then the other into the water. Start at 1/4 strength and give your ladies at least a couple days to adjust before feeding again


Active Member
I did some research last night on these products and was intrigued by what I read. The company claims their products are 100% organic and that their solutions are actually a combination of concentrated naturally occurring micro-organisms. Apparently, when these micro-organisms (photosynthetic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and yeast) come into contact with organic matter they begin to secrete vitamins, chelated minerals, organic acids and anti-oxidants into the soil which are beneficial to plants. I'm going to make the purchase and have already chosen a few of my young ladies with which to perform my experiments on. I'll definitely try some of the mixture solutions you suggested. Thanks again.