Organic Topdressing


Active Member
I was looking for a good organic fert to top dress with as my babies go into flowering and was wondering if anyone had any tips/experience. Teas are out of the question. I wish I could. I've been thinking of FF peace of mind fruit & flower.

All suggestions are welcome! :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
My buddy just picked up some up couple weeks ago for top dress and its working good. It is on tomatoes but still a plant, and left one plant without to see results and others were about 4 to 6in bigger all around.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I used the fox farm happy frog dry fertilizers for a while. I would just supplement that with big bloom and it was all I needed and you get them bth for about 25$. I went with the fruit and flower I think i was 5-8-4 and apply at the beginning and 4 weeks into flowering. I'm experimenting with some different nutes and mediums and I already think I may just go back to this method, I'm not impressed and it's way more work this time.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice! I figured I would still need to use Big Bloom since I don't think FF adds their micro nutes to their dry mixes. I was specifically wanting to use them on my autos. My soil should be able to feed them for the first month so I was just needing some sort of bloom fertilizer to get them through the last few weeks. Thanks again for telling me what I wanted to hear!


Espoma garden fertilizers are great for the price and availability. Particularly Bio-Tone Starter Plus and Garden Tone.

FF Peace of Mind line are also fine dry organic nutrients. There are certainly micro-nutrients/trace elements in them, as these are in the raw ingredients that the fertilizer is derived from (in particular kelp meal, alfalfa meal, guano, rock phosphate, gypsum). If you want a micro-nute boost anyways I would recommend Earth Juice Microblast, you can also apply it foliarly every other week or so.


Active Member
I may be incorrect in this but I went with the Peace of Mind Bulb food I think it's 3-8-8. I went with this over the others because the PK ratio was higher than the N which is what you want for flowering. This is the 1st time using it so I can't comment on the results yet.


Well-Known Member
Bat guanos are excellent top dressings. You can add some worm castings as well. The WC's will provide small amounts of N, P, K, magnesium, calcium along with microbes and enzymes. Careful with the guanos they can be quite strong and take a couple of days to kick in. Apparently, you shouldn't add guanos near harvest (2-4 weeks) because the stuff can last for 45 days in the medium.


Well-Known Member
After they have begun flowering the Sunleave's Indonesian Bat guano is a great topdressing. apply a few times during flower depending on how heavy your plants feed


Active Member
Yeah, I think any type of poo would be too much for my autos. I'm planning on using 3 gallon pots so I'm hoping my soil will carry them into the stretch which should be from weeks 4-6 so I'm looking for something pretty mild but will definitely fatten and frost those bitches up in the last couple weeks of their lives.


Well-Known Member
go get some molasses then. just mix 1-2 tablespoons with every gallon of water you use and feed every time. the carbs in molasses get absorbed by the plants and they use it to swell up. they also get frostier too. I think theres usually trace P or K values (cant remember off the top of my head right now) so it doesnt really hurt to feed molasses all the way to harvest. You will most likely see the biggest swelling in the last 3 weeks


Well-Known Member
Bro, look up products, great.ingredients and not so pricey! They got a bud and bloom booster I use... Just put a gallon of water in your watering pale, let sit for 24hrs while stirring on a regular basis and water the next day! Works well

Thanks for the advice! I figured I would still need to use Big Bloom since I don't think FF adds their micro nutes to their dry mixes. I was specifically wanting to use them on my autos. My soil should be able to feed them for the first month so I was just needing some sort of bloom fertilizer to get them through the last few weeks. Thanks again for telling me what I wanted to hear!