Outdoor Garden


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm working on setting up a garden in my backyard ( Which is about 100 feet from a lake ) but its safe from it.
Anyways, I'm going to be growing many different green plants and vegetables to cover up marijuana plants that I'm growing out there.
What do you guys think I should grow to cover it up?
I don't want anything too big, but I want something that'll keep it hidden.


Well-Known Member
You could grow Tomatoes, different types of Ferns,Basil..etc..KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Active Member
definitely a mint plant of some type or basil they grow pretty easily and if u have some stinky herb u can trim some mint for the smell.


Well-Known Member
Very good suggestions.
I was already thinking tomatoes, we have some growing in our familys front yard garden.
The mint and hot peppers is a great idea. Thank you


Well-Known Member
That's what I do to keep cats out from pissin' and defecating in my garden.Man does it work,especially Cayenne pepper. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!