outdoor ideas


Well-Known Member
Been researching alot about growing in general, and have decided this summer to grow outside. I live in a pretty rural area but i am still worried about the avid hikers and hunters, and worse game wardens discovering my plants. Now i have had a few thoughts on how not to get caught and the best i have come up with is to plant on the edge (edge is grassy and seems very fertile) of a brook that flows (very slowly) into a meadow. Its deep in the woods and on the edge the plant will have little competition for sunlight until its about 3 feet and then it will be king.The problem with this method is that i will have to hike 3 miles into the woods to tend to my plants, im thinking that since its on the edge of a brook that water and nutrients should be no problem. I was wondering if anyone had tried this sort of location before and if they had any tips.
Another idea i had had was to place a seedling in a mesh (coconut Fiber) pot and hoist it way up to the canopy of a forest over a large conifer branch. I was thinking to use very heavy duty monofilament line, or a steel cable so that no passerbys would see it. the bonus of this method is obviously a good hiding spot from people and most animals, and i could lower the plant anytime to water it, oh and direct sunlight.
Well these are my thoughts, if anyone has any input that would be great.