Outdoor in Equatorial Climate


Active Member
Howdy folks,
I'm currently residing in an area very close to the equator for the next four months or so and I decided to try growing some bud here, as this place used to be renowned for its quality before the authorities started getting all crazy about a decade back or so (even has a famous strain named after it). Rather than risk the wrath of the gov't, I've just popped a few bag seeds into some pots with soil from a local horticulturalist's, mixed it with a bit of organic fertilizer and set it out in about 8 cubic inch pots.

I'm growing on a 10th floor balcony which faces southeast (no worries about privacy), so it gets some direct morning sunlight (maybe 2-3 hours on a clear day), and then I move the plants to a balcony on the opposite side of the building around midday so they can get the afternoon sun (another 4-6 hours, assuming its clear). They seem to be doing just fine, looking healthy for having just sprouted a few days ago (I germinated them using the paper towel method). I'm a little confused about all this business with "seasons", though, as the hours of light don't really change a whole lot here. Does anyone have any experience growing outdoors (in pots) in an equatorial climate that could offer some tips or thoughts? I could certainly grow inside as well, but it seems a waste of a climate that obviously produced some really dank buds back in the day.


edit- I should add that it's on average 80-90 degrees F here during the day, 70-80 during the night, and it may get hotter. 80%-100% humidity is quite normal. Cheers.