outdoor not adjusting to indoor


Well-Known Member
so i have a few plants that started outdoors in soil, they kinda came outta nowhere i just tossed some seeds and just let em do their thing, three popped up and grew pretty nicely, they are about 3-4 inches tall now and i just dug em up and rinsed their roots off, and stuck em in a bubbler with a few other young plants, the leaves started curling and getting crispy within 12 hours, i had the water at 60-70 ppm and just lowered it to about 25 ppm by watering it down with some dist water, any suggestions on how to make these babies adjust better?


Well-Known Member
they probably won't, plants don't do well from dirt to hydro. get some superthrive, it may help. if not, you'll know soon enough.



Well-Known Member
yes, but you need to have something to help with the stress. the plant will starve and continue to stress if you don't. get some superthrive, it's the best stress reliever on the planet. if anything can get her through, it's that.



Well-Known Member
r there any chain stores i can pick up superthrive, sounds like its been around for ever, would home depot/menards or even a local nursury have it? mine isnt that good, they have nothing for hydroponics at the nursery


Well-Known Member
r there any chain stores i can pick up superthrive, sounds like its been around for ever, would home depot/menards or even a local nursury have it? mine isnt that good, they have nothing for hydroponics at the nursery
hd, lowes, walmart, feed and seed, local nursery....

if you can't find it (garden season is drawing down, they aren't keeping the stuff that they were) i think hd sells something called b1. it's similar.



Well-Known Member
just got some superthrive, and have the ph balanced to about 5.5-6, put 2-3 drops of superthriv in my 2 gallon bubbler, is this a good amount KP?