Peace of Mind?

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
The pink paper says Legal, but society says NOT. Where can I find peace of mind? Vaping at home bothers those who live with me. Vaping outside bothers neighbours and cops. Vaping anywhere else public bothers strangers and cops. Where can I medicate peacefully :(.
..I mean sure a cop could walk up to me and i can give them id and my pink papers, but i don't even want to bother with all this hassle!

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
I used to use the garage until the smell was so strong it was coming inside :(. My house backs onto a parking lot (public area) where cops like to pull up and stay for hours, so its awkward.
I mean I wouldn't feel "that way" if I was taking opiates... but I hate taking pills on top of pills on top of pills, which makes me feel bad all in its own way. But this is becoming such an issue I'm considering asking my doctor for opiates if i stop using cannabis. (However this doctors doesn't exactly like me using cannabis so maybe they'd agree? But I've had my mmar card for years and been using cannabis, and prefer cannabis over pills).


Well-Known Member
Explain to the folks you live with why you use Cannabis and what the alternative to Cannabis is. Then inform them in a polite way that the medication you take is none of their business.

As for the police inform them you are legal and show them your papers. Ask if you are being arrested. If they say no walk away. If they say yes ask what you are being charged with then demand a lawyer and inform them you are exercising your right to remain silent. If they arrest you have your lawyer file a wrongful arrest complaint with the police force.


Well-Known Member
get under your friggin rock! :lol: Kidding!!!!

as you get learn ways around stinkin the place and medicating with way better effect.
No point in tryin to fight others

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
Appreciate the responses guys! has me feeling somewhat better :).
I use edibles here and there, its just my edibles always end up being too potent -even at small doses, and I have a pretty heavy tolerance. If I'm having an edible I can not have anything of importance to do. However they do work well :).


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about bud. That's all. I've had my run in with cops a few times while smelling pretty skunky. I just explained to them the reason and that I'm not doing nothing illegal. Most are nice.


Well-Known Member
The pink paper says Legal, but society says NOT. Where can I find peace of mind? Vaping at home bothers those who live with me. Vaping outside bothers neighbours and cops. Vaping anywhere else public bothers strangers and cops. Where can I medicate peacefully :(.
..I mean sure a cop could walk up to me and i can give them id and my pink papers, but i don't even want to bother with all this hassle!
Do you carry original pinks? I used to then thought what if someone decided not to return it to me or it was misplaced...nobody fucked but I carry a notarized copy and the original is in the safe...


Well-Known Member
The peace of mind that should have come with an mmar licence
just never came....
doing the right thing seems to have been the wrong thing again....thanks to HC
the pressure relief that should have been a given and is much needed by medical patients,
who have better things to spend their time worrying about....
we have been screwed


Well-Known Member
The peace of mind that should have come with an mmar licence
just never came....
doing the right thing seems to have been the wrong thing again....thanks to HC
the pressure relief that should have been a given and is much needed by medical patients,
who have better things to spend their time worrying about....
we have been screwed
110% agree

You took the words right outa my mouth


Well-Known Member
The pink paper says Legal, but society says NOT. Where can I find peace of mind? Vaping at home bothers those who live with me. Vaping outside bothers neighbours and cops. Vaping anywhere else public bothers strangers and cops. Where can I medicate peacefully :(.
..I mean sure a cop could walk up to me and i can give them id and my pink papers, but i don't even want to bother with all this hassle!
Get yer own place man .... if that's too expensive e find some like mind roommates
Make sure the fucks are med too those rec users will take yer hahaha