Penis neck @ it again...


Well-Known Member
they probably are....but how do you spread the message that she is lying ????
when the media is conserative owned.....
just look at some of the stories post election....regarding JT...completely bullshit...
they had a round table "debate"last night on one of the major cdn news networks (ctv, cbc, radio canada etc..) and the one conservative panelist was a national reporter for "the National Post" she was angry and spouting off propaganda left right and center. Holding out her party line 100%. They won't change because it goes against the agenda


Well-Known Member
At the end of the JT knows, and has the known the facts on Cannabis for quite awhile now I'd assume. Crying wolf again and again won't get them anywhere except laughed at for being so behind the times. That and for thinking people under the age of 60 don't know otherwise.