pH and general questions, HELP!



Ok, so I think I am finally getting close to actually knowing what I'm doing when i'm growing my plants I just have a few questions and things to say to see if I am doing everything right.

First off when it comes to pH this is what I know. The tool's I have are: Hanna pH tester, Calibration solution 4.01 and 7.01, pH up and pH down.

the next step is calibrating the pH tester I guess? LOL I took two cups, 1 with 4.01 and the other with 7.01. I put the tester in the 7.01 for 2 mins, got the reading about 7.3 and adjusted the tester till I got the 7.1 reading. Cleaned it then repeated those steps in the 4.01. Then repeated both steps one more time to check myself. From this point I'm supposed to figure that my checker is working properly and is calibrated? Now from here I am going to water my plant with a gallon of water that has sat for a day with the cap off, but first im going to pour it in a cup, check it with the pH tester. Then add either a drop or two of pH up, or pH down until I get it to about 6.4

That is what I just did from what I have learned from people helping me so far. Please tell me if I am doing anything wrong.

The next thing I was worried about is I germinated some seeds about 5 days ago planted some about 4 days ago and they have yet to sprout? Is this normal and when should the first time be that I water the seed / plant assuming its still in the ground.

Right now I am using miracle grow, I was told to get Fox Farms Light Warrior soil.