PH and nutes


Well-Known Member
I'm using ProMix soiless soil for my plants, but what do i do about watering and the ph levels and nutrients?

Do i get a large watering container and fill it with tap water and then adjust the ph level and then water them instantly??

What kind of nutrients??


Well-Known Member
Hey there dodobird, you can measure the pH of your soil two ways: run-off and prewatering adjustment. The first works by flushing the soil with water until it drains through the bottom, take a sample of this water for pH. The second method is as you said, measure the pH before you water the plants. Utilizing both methods will give you a good idea of you pH without buying fancy meters, which are not bad at all.

As for nutrients, check a couple links in my signature, I preach organics and practice them just as well. You may find something you like, organics are very good and it's hard to over fertilize using organics. Hope you find your way mate, I'll be around if you need anything

KC :leaf: