PH levels?


Well-Known Member
is there anyway to tell if your ph levels are to high/ too low without a ph reader?
and is there a way to lower or raise the levels without buying ph up or down?


Well-Known Member
you can buy a fish tank ph tester for less than $6.

there are some things you can do to tweak the ph but most of the down
you'll just need ph down.

I use a discuss ph buffer (sold at pet stores in fish section)
it keeps a ph of 5.8-6.8.

BTW are u growing soil or hydro?


Well-Known Member
how soon would a ph problem be visible in a plant,
my plant is at about 11 days right now and it seems to be doing ok


Well-Known Member
not to sure really. I had a ph prob, i noticed it around week 2 or 3. the leaves started curling down at the tips