PH rises as water sits?


Well-Known Member
I am noticing that once I PH my water and let it sit that the PH gradually rises again. My tap water is 7.6. I start by leaving this out 24-48 hours to remove the Chlorine. I then use citric acid to adjust my water PH to 6.4. When I check some of that water a day or two later the PH has risen to 6.8. If I leave it in the cup with the PH meter open to the air for a couple hours it rises back to 7.2 or 7.4. [HR][/HR]Does anyone know why this would be happening? I suspect the water will also rise once given to the plants which doesn't seem like it would be good for them. All I can figure is the citric acid is oxidizing with other elements in the water allowing the PH to rise again.