phenotype specific medicinal applications


Active Member
Hey, I'm doing an article for school on something related to genetic developments in plants, or hormone developments in plants. This article has to be broken down further into three points.

The main point or the article is genetic development through countless years of artificial and natural selection has created the best possible medication for medicinal patients, and it is broken down further into three sub-points:

1. Greater yields in smaller spaces (lower production costs)
2. Development of potent auto-flowering plants by crossbreeding Cannabis ruderalis. (Shorter cycles=Greater produductivity)
3. Genetic development has created cannabis that helps better with specific conditions. (Bud that causes appetite increase for AIDS and cancer patients, but that kills pain in arthritis and other parts more effectivley, bud that beats depression and so on and so fourth.

What I am missing for my third point is specific citation to strains that are used for specific conditions. If anyone has a website that has this info please post it. Thanks a lot for anything


Active Member
You might dig something out of here:

Medical marijuana (cannabis) - common uses


I've seen seedbanks with claims and testimonials, you could search those or search this sub forum.


Blueberry Marijuana Seeds


Medical Mail Order Marijuana Uses
  1. Definite evidence has shown it to relieve nausea from cancer chemotherapy treatments.
  2. It is used to treat glaucoma by relieving intraocular pressure.
  3. It is soothing in relieving chronic pain.
  4. Medicinal pot has been found useful in treating arthritis.
  5. To relieve muscle spasms and tremors in people with multiple sclerosis.
  6. Cannabis can prevent epileptic seizures in some patients.
  7. Weed can reduce the nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite caused by the ailment itself and by various AIDS medications.
  8. Reports have stated that THC, the chief psychoactive compound found in marijuana, and cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychoactive component, both appear to protect brain cells from the damage that often occurs during a stroke.
  9. Medicinal marijuana may hold medical value in the treatment of brain injuries and diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

