picking a second spot


Well-Known Member
Ok heres the deal, looking for a second spot for my clones... I found a really perfect spot for them compared to the rest of the surrounding land...

Its got perfect ground cover of the most amazing green plants, cant be seen from anywhere else, or above... Its surrounded by evergreens but gets awesome light....

Heres the catch, dug into the ground to make some holes and well there was standing water about a foot or so down into the ground, now its surrounded by a moat of water but this area is raised above the water kinda like an island or what not and its a piece of land about 1000sq. ft. big....

Is this standing water in the ground bad? The plants all around really seem to love this area but once i saw the water i wondered if the plant drank it all year and it was smoked wouldn't it be bad somehow for me? Also would the plant suffocate at the roots?


Well-Known Member
Ok heres the deal, looking for a second spot for my clones... I found a really perfect spot for them compared to the rest of the surrounding land...

Its got perfect ground cover of the most amazing green plants, cant be seen from anywhere else, or above... Its surrounded by evergreens but gets awesome light....

Heres the catch, dug into the ground to make some holes and well there was standing water about a foot or so down into the ground, now its surrounded by a moat of water but this area is raised above the water kinda like an island or what not and its a piece of land about 1000sq. ft. big....

Is this standing water in the ground bad? The plants all around really seem to love this area but once i saw the water i wondered if the plant drank it all year and it was smoked wouldn't it be bad somehow for me? Also would the plant suffocate at the roots?

Come on someone should know if my plant drinking standing water from a low area in the forest (not swamp but swampy looking water) if that would be bad for the plant or myself from smoking it?