(pics)Is this going to cause a problem


Active Member
I just threw a lattice over my plants is this going to fuck them up...they just started flowering (or pre I'm not sure ff the correct terminology), and there ALL ladies(10)..they still get a good amount of light, these were taken at 6 at night when the sun way far way from them....the first pic b/4 the 2 and 3rd after teh lattics....let me know PLEASE if this is gonna be problematic.. I am also LSTing some of them so the "tops" poke out from the lattice into my corn....



Active Member
I am using the lattice to hide them...but if it could be full of buds that's a great thing too....aye aye captn....


Well-Known Member
it looks to be effecting em a little bit but i dont think i'd worry about it yet. just watch it to see if it produces any real noticable effect.


Active Member
I would say you are loosing about 50% of your light hitting your plants. This will effect your yeild, but, if it makes your grow safer, it might be worth it.

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
Keep an eye out for lots of leaf loss starting at the bottom & working up.If that starts you know you over shaded.


Active Member
thank you all for the advice... I'm gonna keep a very close eye on them...i will keep everyone updated....


Active Member
it all depends what your neighbour is like, he might be wondering why you put a piece of lattus over your garden. You plan was to train your plants right? I would just keep em small and low, theres a good chance your neighbor will look at your garden and not notice them.


Active Member
good call rip...if he asks I will tell him to keep birds away, I tied silver ribbon to it like the grape farmers around here tp scare birds...I'm training them too..so we will see


Active Member
Topping it would be best in your situation , low and bushy is good too . I saw a pic here at rollitup where another poster was in the same situation (close neighbors) and he bought a boquet of plastic flowers and hung them all over his grow, bright yellow , reds , whatever . Does zip for the smell but does cloak your plants to a degree . Looking good the same ,enjoy!


Well-Known Member
lattice too far away 4 scrog by tha time they get there theyll have started flowering in ernest and its blocking light . move that thing before u get a wind and that shitty piece of lattice ends up on top of ure girls snapping tops a destroying ure garden. live on the wild side and let them girls do wat they do...


Active Member
easy for you to say pink....that fuckin lattice isn't goin anywhere man....3 4 x 4 posts 10inches deep and screwed in with 4 #6 stingers in each post.....I could dance my fat ass on it...... the light actually isn't bein blocked that bad....I will take a pic tomorrow to demonstrate for everyone....


Active Member
Why do you say that Angus my man? this is the first mention of my camo attempt, everyone seems to think I tried to scrog it but that was not my intention....pure camoflage....what do you think bro, is it blocking too much light?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I just scroll up the page and open three or four different tabs with different titles and the same pics of corn and pot come up three or four different times.

I wasn't trying to be an ass, but I've thought about posting that same thing in a couple previous threads. Most people have a journal or similar they update with progress and pics and questions etc. It seems like you're inspired by your last thread to create your new one; like someone suggests something and you make a thread asking for everyone else's opinions.

Just seems like it could stay in one thread, but you're being intelligent and respectful and seem to heed advice and that's why I promise I wasn't (am not) trying to be a dick.


Active Member
I wasn't trying to be one either man I swear...honestly this is the first forum I have ever joined, I always ragged on them(I now see the error in my ways), so I am still trying to figure out teh little rules, thanks you for helping me man...I will try to keep similar threads together...happy smokin bro