Please Help Black/ golden brown parts on my canna butter


New Member
I got Golden brown/black on the bottom of my canna butter, the rest is gorgeously a creamy green colour but just some parts on the bottom is golden brown/black. Is that a sign of moldy or is it still good to use?


Active Member
Possibly sediment and husks from the trichomes if you poured the butter in the bag as a liquid, recent post had the same problem
How old is the butter?
How long and under what conditions was it stored (ex. freezer, 3 months)?


New Member
Honestly i have no idea cause i literally just traded for it, it smells exactly like what canna butter should smell like. doesn't smell off in any way


New Member
Taste like how an edible would taste tbh just without the chocolate flavour or the added ingredients
just taste like weed tbh with a that creamy butter flavour


Well-Known Member
before I found a good siv my old butter would have small plant matter bits find their way into the butter probably nothing bad