Please Help Diagnose My Plants


Hi there,
First time grower here. My plants were off to a good start but lately have taken a turn for the worse.

-They are about 6 weeks old
-I started watering 500mL each EVERYDAY, but read this is overwatering, so I changed to every other day 500mL watering
-I water with tap water that has sat out for ONE day, but when it rains I use rain water
-I have been using organic 100% worm casting extract to mix with the water (n=1000ppm, p=400ppm, k=3100ppm)
-The plants are yellowing the leaves from the bottom but are working to the top leaves
-The veins stay green longer before they yellow
-Brown spots are developing
-Leaves are slightly curled and I could crush a few of the lower leaves with my fingers

Some pics I have taken are in attachments


ive had a problem just like that one try moving ur lights up a lil even with cfls they cant burn ur plants and 500ml is to much watering even every other day try every 4 or 5 days. ur stressing ur plants out, if ur not careful rootrot with occur


Active Member
Hi there,
First time grower here. My plants were off to a good start but lately have taken a turn for the worse.

-They are about 6 weeks old
-I started watering 500mL each EVERYDAY, but read this is overwatering, so I changed to every other day 500mL watering
-I water with tap water that has sat out for ONE day, but when it rains I use rain water
-I have been using organic 100% worm casting extract to mix with the water (n=1000ppm, p=400ppm, k=3100ppm)
-The plants are yellowing the leaves from the bottom but are working to the top leaves
-The veins stay green longer before they yellow
-Brown spots are developing
-Leaves are slightly curled and I could crush a few of the lower leaves with my fingers

Some pics I have taken are in attachments
lets start watering the plants when it needs it, its a weed they like to dry out a bit. plants looks like
Nitrogen Deficienies start adding some nutes, start out small at first an work your way up.