Please take a look!! need help


Well-Known Member
Well, are ur temps in check? And is it only the tops of the plants? I noticed some foil in the pics which could cause hotspotting, burning holes in the leaves. Honestly, the foils not helpin. Whats the nute schedule?


Well-Known Member
temps are 75-80 sometimes 84 and yea its just the tops the rest looks like how it supposed to i guess lol im putting nutes in every other feeding so i guess once a week


Well-Known Member
those temps are good really. Be sure u get ur temp readings from the tops of the plants, and if theyre still good, then u may need to look into flushing.


Well-Known Member
yea thats what i was thinking do u think its ok to flush this late into flowering? or should i just stop with the nutes and start giving it str8 water?


Well-Known Member
See, normally, u'd flush at the END of flowering, around the 7-8 week mark if u were gonna flower 9 weeks for example. I'd just give it the water for now and keep an eye on it. what nutes were u usin?


Well-Known Member
im using a high concentrate of 20/20/20 i know im not supposed to be using that but its all i have lol and i figured some nutes are better than none