Possibly looking for a caregiver for a bit.. Need your guys input, advice..etc.


I live in Canada and am an oncology patient in remission. I guess its too late for caregivers but just for personal info, what is minimum age, what are the conditions required and how do you get a ''prescription''? Anyone have any answers?Thanks


Well-Known Member
Please explain why when you assign a caregiver you must get a NEW card that says you are not approved to cultivate. End your argument and be a man by saying you were wrong.. Or just leave, we don't need people like you here.


Active Member
I concede to the patient trade, although I have a friend who was busted in the compassion club for doing so, but, you are correct, in writing it does say you can. In practice, I wouldn't risk it.

So, dumbfuck, and I call you that since you were so quick to be an asshole to me, where is the link disputing that both caregiver and patient are not allow to cultivate at the same time? Or the link that says the patient surrenders his rights to the caregiver? Thank you dumbfuck.


New Member
I concede to the patient trade, although I have a friend who was busted in the compassion club for doing so, but, you are correct, in writing it does say you can. In practice, I wouldn't risk it.

So, dumbfuck, and I call you that since you were so quick to be an asshole to me, where is the link disputing that both caregiver and patient are not allow to cultivate at the same time? Or the link that says the patient surrenders his rights to the caregiver? Thank you dumbfuck.
It does NOT say it in the EXACT words you want... But if you read and understand the Az MMJ Act it does say either you grow as a patient or have a caregiver grow for you...


Active Member
Seriously?! Dude, if it doesn't say it in the law explicitly it definitely does in the rules If you give me a few hours I could find it but you could settle for the obvious facts. If a patient could cultivate 12 as well as have a caregiver cultivate another 12 for him that would put his plant count at 24. Last time I checked you only get 12 plants per patient; but what do I know.