Post flushing issues! Thing growth yellow tips


Well-Known Member

ok guys I need your help she has perked up tremendously but her new growth looks very skinny and is yellow at the tips. what does this mean? after flushing her with pHed water I have not given any nutes yet maybe it's a def?


Well-Known Member
here is her current status

I flushed because I was noticing some burns on the plant here and there and wanted to catch it early, plus I needed to flush anyways for the transition to flower I suppose. I fed her 1/2 nutes and some cal mag and she seems to be doing better


Well-Known Member
Patch Kid,
I asked about soil to determine of you had time-released nutrients in it. If it does, a flush can release excess nutrients and burn it again.


Well-Known Member
IMO- you have a Magnesium problem going on, You can tell from the white leaf tips.

Good Luck on Your Grow.