question about "knockoffs"


Active Member
okay im really drunk right now but i'll try to make it coherent

i still gotta buy seeds for my first grow and am saving up some green to plant some green. now the thing is, i can get certain seeds, for example i'll take ak47 from serious seeds, for around 150 bucks a pack. now these ppl wont the cannabis cup, whatever that means. its the company that originally won it. its the "real deal". but does it mtter that much?

i mean there are other companies that have an "ak-47" for 80 bucks (at this "grower's choice" a pack, and various users say that its no biggie.

so where did that 70 bucks go wen u buy from serious? harvest time? reproduction virgor and stability for ppl that wanna pollinate? newb-friendliness?

whats the deal? or am i thinking way too hard?


Well-Known Member
its the difference of gentics

ones buying from mc donalds and the others buying from a high grade resturant... you get different products... they regulate it differently... have different grade in what you get out of it