RCMP Squamish 'Shut Dispensary Down Or ..' Deadline Tomorrow


Well-Known Member
RCMP have ordered owner Bryan Raiser to shut down his dispensary storefront no later than March 19, 2015. Raiser states that he will not comply with the RCMP directive and will continue to operate.


If he remains open, will they raid & confiscate ? What will happen to his patients ? Wouldn't it be better for him to follow suit with other dispensaries - comply but continue to serve patients via other routes of distribution ?

What are his options and why would he force the hand of LE ?


Well-Known Member
id almost say fuck the dispensary and just back door it or mail it or he could just drive around and deliver. I think the store front is whats causing the issue. in your face illegal sales aren't welcome in some towns.


Well-Known Member
Small town dispensaries are obviously more visible and thus likely to draw the attention of LE. He's only been in operation since Feb 15 though, so how much of a patient base can he really have ? Enough to piss people off ?

Squamish City Council voted 100 % in support of making medical cannabis available to approved patients. Yet their Federal MP spoke very clearly against the dispensary model.