Ron Paul NORML interview


Well-Known Member
Thanx, we have to do this. There just isn't any other candidate except Bill Richardsen in my opinion. Guliani is mos only phd. Great news there rebel, guys thanx. VV


New Member
wow. cool ad. and paid for by "a concerned citizen." i like it.

ron paul, mike gravel...just get a man of the people in office instead of these greasy career polititions. damn these guys (and that woman) make me sick.


Well-Known Member
Yes I know ... clinton and rudy are being shoved down our throats by big business and corporate media.

I like Kucinich, Gravel, and Paul ... all are being dismissed or put down by corporate media. That how people can tell now a days who is the best candidate for the people ... the ones corp. media trash.


Well-Known Member
ron paul has a long history of wanting marijuana legalized for recreational usage while abbolishing all penalaties for all aspects of marijuana... he is a damn good guy