Roots are tough ? 2.5 " x 2.5 " seedling pot


Well-Known Member
Method seems to work so far .
After watering and feeding nutes , the soil settles down and become unfluffy reducing air to roots .
To remedy the problem , I put one hand over the top , with Stalk between my middle fingers and top is covered by palm .
I turn the pot upside down and squeeze gently on opposite sides rather than corner to corner .
This can be done without any soil falling out of the pot if done right .
Turn it back over right side up and now the soil is fluffy again .

Now all I have to test this fluffy restore concept on a bigger pot with a bigger plant in it .
Since my hand is not big enough to cover the top of the plant I would have cut out a piece of wood or plastic to cover the top on a bigger pot . I would need a slot on the wood jig to allow the single stem of the plant to allow me to slide the wood jig over the top to prevent soil from coming out when I flip the pot over , to restore fluffyness and airyness .

Try on houseplant first . If it works for you , you could probably try on other plants .
Never tried this on Cannabis , so I do not know if shock would occur from any root hair or good fungi web damage .

I know that it restores good oxygen to the roots because after I do this , the plant leaves turn to a pretty , happy , emerald green .


My observations seem to be that plants starved for oxygen seem to get a darker color of green than the emerald stone above in the picture of the emerald . I am thinking my healthy Habanero Plants seem to be about the color of the emerald stone above when they are in fluffy oxygenated grow medium . They seem to have a darker , less shinny , appearance , when soil is compact from soil settling after feeding or watering a few times , when they are probably getting less oxygen .

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