Russia Recognizes Independence of Georgian Areas


Well-Known Member

Hooray!.. Good for Russia!

This spin crap in our media is horrible.. "this isn't just about Russia and Georgia but Russia's relationship with the West".. ugh.. the citizens of the South Ossetia and Abkhazia regions are celebrating- they wanted their independence, they fought for it before and are just now getting recognition.. that's fucking democracy and I am thrilled to see Russia standing up for it.

I'm sure Russia will get a lot of threats from NATO and the 'West' for this move.. HOW DARE THEY ACKNOWLEDGE AN AREA THAT DEMOCRATICALLY CHOOSE TO BE INDEPENDENT.. :roll:


New Member
Maybe Russia will come to the aid of Southern California an help us break away from the San Francisco Commie-Libs. :blsmoke:



New Member

Hooray!.. Good for Russia!

This spin crap in our media is horrible.. "this isn't just about Russia and Georgia but Russia's relationship with the West".. ugh.. the citizens of the South Ossetia and Abkhazia regions are celebrating- they wanted their independence, they fought for it before and are just now getting recognition.. that's fucking democracy and I am thrilled to see Russia standing up for it.

I'm sure Russia will get a lot of threats from NATO and the 'West' for this move.. HOW DARE THEY ACKNOWLEDGE AN AREA THAT DEMOCRATICALLY CHOOSE TO BE INDEPENDENT.. :roll:
Exactly. The Georgians went on a killing spree in S.Osettia, Killed upwards of 1600 Russian kurds before Russia stepped in. If the MSM were to tell the truth, even the wingers like CCo & Vi would have a hard time defending Georgia, well, maybe not.


New Member
Had they pulled out of independent Georgia at the time of this momentous announcement for independence? Or are they still hunkered down in an independent nation, preaching the virtue of allowing nations to dictate their own independent soveriegnty?


Well-Known Member
From all the accounts, the only occupation Russia has in Georgia are peace keepers manning checkpoints on the roads within 9 miles of the borders of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.. There's also accounts of Russia still having some troops in Port Poti, which of course is the port Georgia is receiving their 'aid' at.