seeds are germinated


Active Member
i germinated my seeds and now there under the light they have been under now 7 days. there in a propergator in them peat pockets humidity is good how long before i see a sprout. thanks for any posts yous send.


Well-Known Member
theyve been in there 7 days and no sprout?

i usually germinate my seeds in a wet paper towel sealed in a ziploc bag and they crack in 24 hours to 3 days


Well-Known Member
where did u get the seeds? bag seeds?
are u sure they are viable? (what color are they)

u might want to read the growfaq
it will help


Active Member
well ive germinated them they cracked the white worm if you would call it that came out.i filled my propergator about 2mm with water and then droped the germinated seed in the peat pockets. put the lid on 125w floresent as close to the propergator and now they ve been there a week with constent light is that the way yous would do it thanx for any replys.