Segregating plants for optimal bud AND seed production?


Active Member
This is my first post; I've been reading the forums for a few days now, and it looks like a great community.

I'm thinking about starting an indoor garden, and I had an idea. It might be impractical, but I thought I'd let the experts here decide.

Is it possible to construct a barrier (say, using glass) to isolate a choice male and single female (for pollination) from the other females?

I realize that this would impair air circulation for the two seed-producing plants (see diagram attached), but I assume that won't kill them -- it'll just limit them somewhat right? (Which is fine since they're not for bud production.)

Also, I realize that the glass would have to be high enough to prevent the pollen from 'blowing over' and affecting the bud-producing females.

What do you guys (and gals) think? Has anyone tried this before?

Thanks in advance for your help! BTW my name is a reference to that awesome scene in the TV show Rome, where they're "inhaling hemp" from Macedonia. :P

PS Does anyone worry about privacy here -- specifically from the forum logging your IP address? I'm guessing this could be used to determine your whereabouts. Thoughts?



Well-Known Member
So many views but not a single response? C'mon guys - I know there are knowledgeable people here...
You wont know for sure until you try but i suspect you will have a few seeds in the females on the otherside. If its say like 2 ft over the plants then you might be alright with just a seed or two. But more than likely you will end up with some seeds.


Active Member
Interesting - so the volume of seeds is proportionate to the amount of exposure to pollen - less pollen, less seed? That's cool then - a few seeds here and there are fine. This would be for personal medicinal use only, so it's all good.


Active Member
One thing you can consider is changing the air flow ->-> hit the females first ->-> then the males ->-> then vent out of your area. Just something to consider.


Well-Known Member
You should also remember that there is NO proof that seed production halts thc production. Actually most indigenous tribes that grow cannabis for hash dont remove males as they BELIEVE that its stimulates capitate stalk or trichome production. So a couple seeds will not reduce potency. Pollen is very effecient at wafting in the air though, so you wont know until you try or if you figure out a way to measure the air flow in your grow room.