sell by date for seeds...?


Well-Known Member
i think it would be a good idea for seed banks and breeders to put a sell by date on there seeds or the date they where packaged and then every 6month from the date of packing maybe the seeds should be knocked down in price by 10% or something like that.i think most of the big boys would to it.....greenhouse are mad for a sales pitch maybe they will start the ball rolling.


Active Member
i think it would be a good idea for seed banks and breeders put a sell by date on there seeds or the date they where packaged and then every 6month from the date of packing maybe the seeds should be knocked down in price by 10% or something like that.i think most of the big boys would to it.....greenhouse are mad for a sales pitch maybe they will start the ball rolling.

yes, ina perfect world....
That's why kc Brains stuff has so much controversy: seed banks that don't do that, and him not using packaging that keeps out air.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for a "born on date" then maybe we can throw a classic label on some of our seeds when they reach a certain age.


Well-Known Member
it would work both ways for the breeders to in the short term they would be going down in price...then after a few year they will become vintage and start to go up.....old school beans