slow growth

my plants are only 4 weeks old and only 3 inches tall they just got theyre third sets of leaves i look on the computer and other peoples plants are about a foot to two feet tall at four weeks old im using flourescence grow lights hanging about 2inches from top of plants in a gutted out fridgerator ive got a fresh air fan blowing fresh air in an and exhuast to get the old air out this is my first grow also a buddy told me i could take the first set of leaves off and that will cause it to grow faster please help the plants are in a potting soil that feeds up to 6 monthsand theyre in 3 gallon pots.


Well-Known Member
Overwatering can slow growth quite a bit.

Are they a nice dark green?
How many, and what wattage on the lights?

Oh - and don't cut any leaves off.
theyre kinda dark green its about 4 plants and i have to check the wattage of the lights theyre 2 foot florescent lights grow lights from wallmart i also have a cfl 100 watt bulb over them