So I shit myself


Well-Known Member
Around about half hour ago, the phone rings, normallly at this time of the day, I don't get a phone call, so I think fuck it, i can't be arsed, I'll leave it.

2 minutes later phone rings again, left it.

Again phone rings, this time thought, someones really trying to call me here, so I pick up.


Hello this is the police, is that blah blah blah address.

Gulp, erm, yes

Hello, we've had a call.

Gulp, ok

Is there any trouble there someone phoned 999.

Oh no, sorry I have 2 daughters they must have played with the phone.

I'm getting too jumpy about shit like this. Maybe its time to call it a day.


Well-Known Member
It's ok ngt, shit like that happens, just move on and tell the girls that 999 is only for emergencies and you can get into big trouble for dialing it.

No sweat, stop being paranoid ;-)